
Meet Dr. Schaake

Dr. Michael Schaake is a highly skilled and experienced dentist. He founded Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants to be a place where state-of-the-art dental care is delivered in a comfortable setting with a hometown feel and a gentle touch. He and his staff offer a wide range of services, ranging from routine exams, cleanings and fillings to implant surgery, root canals, extractions, and cosmetic dentistry makeovers.
Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

We consider every detail of your appointment

Experience the pleasure of routine dental care! At Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants, we offer modern dentistry with a personalized approach. Make it a habit to visit us every 6 months for a refreshing cleaning, comprehensive dental examination, and a touch of indulgence.

Warm Therapeutic Neck Wraps

Take a moment to relax and relieve any tension in your shoulders and neck.

Massage Chairs

Each patient room is equipped with state-of-the-art chairs to ensure your comfort.

Gentle Care

No need for messy impressions with advanced dental technology.

Botox Treatments

Refresh your skin with our popular dental cleaning add-on service!

What’s included in a dental cleaning & exam?

Complete set of digital x-rays (once a year)

Comprehensive teeth cleaning with your hygienist

Oral exam by Dr. Schaake & time to discuss any concerns

Outlining treatment options and scheduling future care

Your oral hygiene questions, answered

Routine dental cleanings are essential for removing stubborn plaque and tartar that are filled with bacteria. Neglecting to address these issues can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other severe damage.

We Make It Convenient For Your Smile To Be Exceptional.

We plan around your busy schedule and even offer emergency dental services if the need arises.