
Meet Dr. Schaake

Dr. Michael Schaake is a highly skilled and experienced dentist. He founded Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants to be a place where state-of-the-art dental care is delivered in a comfortable setting with a hometown feel and a gentle touch. He and his staff offer a wide range of services, ranging from routine exams, cleanings and fillings to implant surgery, root canals, extractions, and cosmetic dentistry makeovers.
Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

Elevate your inherent beauty.

If you are dealing with cosmetic concerns regarding your teeth, porcelain veneers offer one of the swiftest and most remarkable methods to enhance your smile. Veneers are often referred to as "instant orthodontics" because they provide a quicker and simpler way to align and enhance your teeth compared to braces.

These veneers consist of thin, resilient, and tailor-made porcelain coverings for your teeth, effectively concealing and safeguarding your smile against stains, cracks, and chips.

In our practice, we approach dental veneer treatments with an artistic perspective. We ensure that your final smile appears natural and seamless. People will be curious about the secret behind your flawless and striking smile!

Achieve a rejuvenated smile within only 2 appointments.

Visit #1



During your initial appointment, we will begin by preparing your teeth for the veneers. This entails creating space on your teeth by gently removing a layer of enamel (approximately the thickness of a fingernail). Following this, we will take an impression of your smile, which will be sent to our nearby dental laboratory to craft your veneers to precise specifications.

Visit #2



Roughly 10-14 days later, your second appointment at our office will take place, during which we will securely affix your porcelain veneers. Prior to bonding, we will delicately cleanse your smile, and then employ specialized dental cement to adhere the veneers to your teeth. These veneers will provide the sensation and appearance of your natural teeth, with the added enhancement that sets them apart!

Common problems veneers can fix

Spaces and gaps between the teeth

Broken or chipped teeth

Uneven or crooked teeth

Severely discolored teeth

Introducing No-prep veneers.

No-prep veneers, also known as prepless veneers or Lumineers, are a great way to improve your smile. Due to recent advancements in bonding technology, it is now possible to enhance your smile without the need to "shave down your teeth." This treatment option can whiten and even straighten the appearance of your teeth for a brighter, more appealing smile. The process is usually completed in four appointments or less.

At the first appointment, we will obtain records of your teeth, including high-quality photos and 3-D scans. At the second appointment, we will go over treatment options and simulations of how your teeth will look when the work is completed. At the third appointment, Dr. Schaake will bond your veneers, which you can think of as "extra enamel," to the front surface of your teeth. Next, you will have a few days to show your friends and loved ones the results, practice eating, speaking, and smiling with your refreshed teeth.

At the final appointment, Dr. Schaake will make adjustments to the shape of the teeth, if needed, as well as scan your teeth for retainers or a night guard to be worn at night to protect your new smile while you sleep. Give us a call today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Schaake to find out if you are a candidate for no-prep veneers.

Bringing smiles to your face brings us joy.

Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants takes immense pride in providing top-notch porcelain veneer treatments in Weatherford. With numerous delighted patients, we've orchestrated remarkable smile transformations that have garnered glowing reviews. Our passion lies in bringing smiles to your face. When you come in for your first consultation, we'll ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the process and address any inquiries you may have. Your visits to our practice are designed to be soothing and pleasant, as your comfort and contentment are our utmost priority.

We Make It Convenient For Your Smile To Be Exceptional.

We plan around your busy schedule and even offer emergency dental services if the need arises.