
Meet Dr. Schaake

Dr. Michael Schaake is a highly skilled and experienced dentist. He founded Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants to be a place where state-of-the-art dental care is delivered in a comfortable setting with a hometown feel and a gentle touch. He and his staff offer a wide range of services, ranging from routine exams, cleanings and fillings to implant surgery, root canals, extractions, and cosmetic dentistry makeovers.
Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

Achieve straighter teeth in just 6 months.

Roughly 300 million individuals experience the challenge of misaligned teeth. Fortunately, a straightforward solution exists. At Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants, we present Invisalign as our favored teeth-straightening method suitable for all age groups.

Invisalign stands as an excellent choice for those seeking to evade the inconvenience, discomfort, and time investment linked with conventional metal braces. This remarkably effective approach employs a sequence of transparent, personalized aligners, yielding splendid outcomes.

Exercise caution with fashionable mail-order kits for teeth alignment and their extensive promotional resources. The alignment of teeth, a matter of significance, should invariably fall under the guidance and supervision of a dentist. Queries? We supply candid and transparent responses to facilitate your optimal judgment.

Fast facts about Invisalign

Who qualifies as a suitable candidate for Invisalign?

Most individuals can reap the rewards of this aesthetic procedure. Ultimately, the determining factor frequently hinges on your capacity and willingness to adhere to the treatment regimen. Pose the question to yourself, "Am I capable of dedicating myself to wearing my aligners for 22 hours daily?"

Is Invisalign an option for teenagers?

Invisalign effectively addresses the majority of underbite, overbite, overcrowding, and gap concerns, which are prevalent problems among teenagers. Certain adolescents might find it challenging to consistently wear their aligners for the recommended 22 hours each day. If you anticipate that your teenager might face this issue, traditional braces could potentially be a more suitable option.

What you receive through Invisalign at Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants

  1. At Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants, our process involves utilizing 3D imaging for precise visualization and planning of your outcomes.
  2. You will be provided with tailor-made aligners designed to gradually reposition your teeth correctly.
  3. Each set of aligners should be worn for 22 hours daily.
  4. You will independently transition to a new set of aligners every few weeks.
  5. Approximately every 5 weeks, you will visit us for progress tracking.
  6. The average duration of an Invisalign treatment is 12-18 months (although visible results will begin showing in a matter of weeks!).

Helping people get straighter teeth through Invisalign is a passion of ours - We love seeing your smile improve as the teeth move! Dr. Schaake will personally oversee your treatment. We are always available to answer and address any questions or concerns you may have.

We Make It Convenient For Your Smile To Be Exceptional.

We plan around your busy schedule and even offer emergency dental services if the need arises.