
Meet Dr. Schaake

Dr. Michael Schaake is a highly skilled and experienced dentist. He founded Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants to be a place where state-of-the-art dental care is delivered in a comfortable setting with a hometown feel and a gentle touch. He and his staff offer a wide range of services, ranging from routine exams, cleanings and fillings to implant surgery, root canals, extractions, and cosmetic dentistry makeovers.
Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

Stop tooth decay with painless fillings

Even individuals with excellent dental hygiene habits can experience cavities. Although a small cavity may not be cause for major concern, it is important to address it promptly. If left untreated and undiagnosed, bacteria and decay can penetrate deeper into the tooth, potentially necessitating a crown, root canal, or even extraction.

When it comes to receiving a dental filling in Weatherford, Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants is the ideal choice. Our advanced detection tools, cutting-edge technology, and natural-looking filling materials ensure a comfortable and convenient experience. Additionally, we offer inlays and onlays for treating extensive areas of decay, as well as bonding treatments for individuals with cosmetic concerns such as chips and cracks.

The only pain-free white fillings in Liberty

Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants is excited to introduce the Solea Laser technology to our patients. With this cutting-edge tool, we can now provide a range of treatments such as fillings, bonding, inlays, and onlays without the use of needles, drills, scalpels, or loud noises.

Experience a pain-free and stress-free procedure, with the potential to eliminate the need for anesthesia!

Fillings, bonding, inlays & onlays — what’s the difference?

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are primarily intended as a health-related treatment to address and prevent the spread of decay, although they can also have cosmetic benefits.

Dental Bonding

Bonding, a cosmetic procedure, involves attaching or "bonding" materials directly to your tooth to alter its color and shape. It is commonly considered a long-lasting and cost-effective alternative to veneers.

Inlays & Onlays

An inlay is a solid piece used to fill a cavity that is too big for a regular filling. On the other hand, an onlay is larger than an inlay but smaller than a dental crown. It is also a solid piece, but it covers the entire cusp of the tooth, not just the space in between.

We Make It Convenient For Your Smile To Be Exceptional.

We plan around your busy schedule and even offer emergency dental services if the need arises.