
Meet Dr. Schaake

Dr. Michael Schaake is a highly skilled and experienced dentist. He founded Aesthetic Dentistry & Implants to be a place where state-of-the-art dental care is delivered in a comfortable setting with a hometown feel and a gentle touch. He and his staff offer a wide range of services, ranging from routine exams, cleanings and fillings to implant surgery, root canals, extractions, and cosmetic dentistry makeovers.
Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

Click here to learn more about what sets us apart.

Want to fix a gummy smile?

A gummy smile isn’t always a health concern, but many of our patients find them aesthetically displeasing. Thankfully, fixing a gummy smile is possible!

Depending on your situation, gummy smile reduction treatments may include veneers, dental crowns, or Invisalign.

We’d love to evaluate your situation and put together a personalized treatment plan to perfectly balance the appearance of your teeth, gums, and lips. Give us a call today at (817) 374 - 4767 to request an appointment.

What is a gummy smile?

A smile is considered "gummy" when it shows an excessive amount of gum tissue, measuring 3 mm or more. This cosmetic concern is more common in women, especially those in their 20s and 30s. Generally, a gummy smile is believed to be influenced by genetics, although other factors may also play a role. These factors include:

Abnormal tooth eruption

Improper bite

Muscular issues

Hyperactive upper lip

We Make It Convenient For Your Smile To Be Exceptional.

We plan around your busy schedule and even offer emergency dental services if the need arises.